1. It is important to store onions and potatoes separately because if they are kept together, the ethylene gas emitted by the onions can accelerate the sprouting process in potatoes.
2. It is recommended to store your apples in the refrigerator inside a bag, as they emit ethylene gas that can accelerate the spoilage of other fresh produce kept in the fridge.
3. If you plan to consume your citrus fruits (such as oranges, lemons, limes, grapefruit, etc.) within a week, store them in a fruit bowl at room temperature. However, if you wish to extend their freshness beyond a week, refrigerating them will help preserve them for a longer period.
4. When purchasing carrots or beetroot with their greens attached, it is advisable to remove them before storing to prevent moisture loss. The ideal storage location is in the refrigerator, either in a sealed bag or an airtight container.
5. Keep unripe fruits like pears, peaches, kiwis, mangoes, avocados, and bananas in a fruit bowl or at room temperature. Transfer them to the fridge once they ripen to slow down the ripening process.