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Mexican Bean Mac & Cheese

One of my current favourite pasta bake recipes! Super delicious and easy to make. This recipe should serve around 4-6 portions, and tastes just as good to have for leftovers for lunch the next day.

Ingredients you will need:

  • 400g macaroni/spiral pasta, or any pasta of your choice really!

  • 1 red onion (diced)

  • 1 tin black beans (drained)

  • 1 tin lentils (drained)

  • 1 tin sweetcorn (drained)

  • 1 tin chopped tomatoes

  • 30g Mexican taco spice or any Mexican spice will do

  • Around 100g cheddar cheese to grate on top (can use vegan cheese to make the dish vegan!)

  • Coriander to serve on top


  1. Cook the pasta as per packet instructions.

  2. Whilst pasta is cooking, add some olive oil to a saucepan and cook red onion for 2-3 minutes on medium heat

  3. Once softened, add the drained black beans, lentils and sweetcorn to the saucepan.

  4. Mix in the chopped tomatoes and Mexican spice to the saucepan and leave to cook on medium-to-low heat for 5 minutes

  5. Once both the saucepan mixture and pasta is cooked, combine both in a large oven dish and mix well

  6. Sprinkle over the grated cheese and cook in oven for 20 minutes

Serve the dish wish a sprinkle of chopped coriander and tuck in. Now, how easy was that!

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